

Online Reputation Monitor


11 week UX Capstone
Guided by ShiftKey
Alex Orelind
Gabe Cambria
Katherine Lee


Design an experience to manage ones online reputation.



How might we empower Gen Z to be proactive in controlling their digital footprint for a successful career?

Meet Valentina
The user who is driving this project.
Applying for Jobs
70% of companies screen potential applicants and look at their social media, with 18% of employees losing their job due to their social media posts.
Job Security
88% of U.S. hiring managers claim they would consider firing an employee based on social media content.
Higher Education
33% of colleges took students’ digital footprints into consideration and 75% of recruiters did the same.
Problem Storyboard
Competitive Analysis
Most apps are tailored to boosting a businesses reputation or controlling what data brokers collect.

No existing reputation app focuses on an individuals social media presence and how that can impact their career.

Reputation Survey Results
Highlighting the biggest categories of concern, the majority of our Gen Z surveyors noted their lack of knowledge to the consequences they could face for a 'bad' post.
Interview Insights
Many social media users are unaware of how much personal information is shared online, leaving them with limited control over their digital identity.

With growing concerns about privacy and reputation, students lack accessible, user-friendly tools to manage their online presence.

Our research revealed that users are eager to learn effective ways to manage their digital footprint if provided with the right resources.
Ideas from Mild to Wild
Leveraging AI to ideate and catering to our audience in each decision made.
Lo-fi Wireframes
Noticing elements that flow to create an intuitive experience.
Visual Brand Language
A moodboard inspired guide to facilitate cohesion.
High-fi Wireframes
Applying VBL and creating a workable prototype.
User Testing
Involving users in the design process and addressing their concerns through iterations.
Accessibility Check
Complying with WGAC standards.
Solution Storyboard
Mobile App
Detox leverages AI to scan a users social media presence and determine if there is anything negative linked to their name.

The power is in the users hands to make changes that could lead to their success.

Detox is adamant on not collecting passwords. It instead takes usernames to look up, similar to what a recruiter would do.
Transparency is key in making the user comfortable.
Scanning Process
Detox AI will scan the users social media for negative content, crafting a report and recommending changes to make.
Gamify learning to unlock more scans by engaging users in fun challenges.
Midway through the project, the team made a pivotal shift. Initially, we wanted the app to make changes for the user, believing it would simplify the process. However, we realized this approach would compromise user privacy, and many would be uncomfortable putting their trust in AI to alter their social media. This roadblock motivated us to put control back in the hands of users, allowing them to actively manage how their social media presents.

Given more time, we would like to explore more animations and a marketing strategy.